ALIM Web Help

To Download a File

You can download a file attached to objects such as documents, distribution orders, change requests, and so on. The downloaded file is saved in a predefined location.

Note: The ALIM Distribute Engine .NET Assembly engine is required, in order to support download jobs.
Note: The Publisher - File Download Job Type engine must be enabled in AssetWise System Management Console.

Follow these steps to download files in a document or distribution order.

  1. Open the object from which you want to download a file.
  2. Expand the Files topic to list the attached files.
  3. From the Object menu of the file that you want to download, select Get local copy.
    For example,

    The file is downloaded to your default Downloads folder.

  4. Repeat Step 3 for each file that you want to download.
If only one file is selected, it is downloaded.